El Nostre Nen
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Little Gators
Here are some photos of David's crash course to update his skills needed for being moved up to the 12-24 month old classroom at daycare. He's gone from a 3:1 ratio to a 6:1 ratio in terms of adult eyes.
He's bigger than many of the older children, but came home the first day with an "incident report" explaining why he had a red mark on his face. The report read "David was playing with a friend, and the friend hit David in the face with a shovel. DISCIPLINARY ACTION: A gentle touch was demonstrated to the friend. An icepack was applied to David's face." In tiny writing between and above the words "a" and "shovel" was the word "plastic".
I hope the gentle touch was not demonstrated with the shovel. Joaquim's main concern is why the care of David now only inludes the icepack. In the 6 weeks - 12 months classroom it was "icepack and TLC". Life in the bigger classroom, I guess.
I have observed David's new class a few times. I say observation, but of course I was right in there playing with the children. Some funny incidents ...
-Singing a fingerplay song for one child and seeing the little ones come out from all sorts of corners for the adult-directed fun. The children were mesmorized during the "Here's a ball for baby" song. The room was totally quiet except for the singing. The song goes ... "here's the way the baby" plays [cover eyes and pause] "peek a BOO!". During the pause, David gave a great squeal in anticipation of the outcome.
-David took a frypan from a child who is closer to 20 months. The child grabbed it back and said "Mine". David tried to get it again. The child hit David with the [plastic] frypan. The teachers demonstrated a gentle touch and said "be nice". I was cracking up. David certainly wasn't hurt and I was so impressed with the other child's language use.
-A child stood up next to David and not fully aware of his own size ended up knocking over David. The child looked at me with concern, and then patted David on the head and said "nice". I think that boy has had the modelling of the gentle touch a few times.
So at home David and I "cram" in the morning for "new class survival skills". As you can see from the photos, he is almost ready to let go of his father's leg and take a step when we find a really motivating toy. I figure if he can run away, that will be a good survival technique when plastic shovels and frypans are brandished. Also, I think he will get more food at mealtime if he can use a spoon. He needs support in getting the angle right on his spoon to get it in his mouth, but when he succeeds he has a huge smile of satisfaction.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Redacció: Descripció fisica, personalitat, i roba.

A aquestes fotos de Maig 2006, pots veure una persona molt especial. Es diu Adso. En David va conneixer quan tenia sis mesos i va viatjar de reunir la familia del pare. Adso arriva a la casa Camps Prat dins la 70s i viu amb la familia Camps Prat des de llavors.
L’Adso és molt tranquil i fidel. No és no avorrit. A la foto de l’esquerra, veus que en David li diu moltes coses. L’Adso sembla molt serios. Ésta content i en David li va agradar la visita amb l’Adso. L’Adso té cabell ros, ni arrissat ni llis. Els seus ulls són blaus i potser secs. No vaig veure l’Adso amb els ulls tancats. Penso que l’Adso té un cor jove perque ell té com a minim vint anys i té una cara rodona - ni prim ni gras. Ell no fa panxing a sol perque no té pigues. L’Adso era tan alt com en David a Maig 2006. En David és més alt ara. Veurem si l’Adso és més alt quan tornem a Catalunya aquest estiu.
En David va donar la seva roba que és molt petita. A la foto l’Adso porta una camisa blau clara i hippi. L’Adso no té mitjons. Vaig estar sopresa perque Tiet d’en David (Jordi Cusso) treballa a una fabrica de mitjons i ell és molt generos de donar els mitjons nous a tota la familia.
En David deixa el seus sabatilles a l’Adso aquest dia. El pobrisso. Adso no pot portar bé. L’esquerra que sembla un gos és a terra. La dreta és al seu peu dret i ell sembla un gat. L’Adso és a una persona de la familia del meu nen.
Catalan Homework Assignment: Provide a description of someone in terms of their physical appearance, their personality, and their clothing.
In these photos taken in May 2006 you will see a very special individual. His name is Adso. David got to first meet Adso when he was 6 months old and took a trip to meet his father’s family. Adso has been with the Camps Prat Family for two generations.
Adso is a pretty quiet fellow. In the picture on the left you can see that David had a lot to say to him. Although Adso’s facial expression is typically quite serious, he is a contended fellow and David enjoyed his visit with him.
Adso has blonde hair that is neither straight nor curly. His eyes are blue and they may be dry. I have never seen him blink. I think Adso is young at heart because even though he has been around for over 20 years, he looks as young as ever and even seems to still have his baby fat. He must have stayed out of the sun because he doesn’t have any freckles. Adso was almost as tall as David back in May, but David is much taller now.
David gave Adso some hand-me-downs. In this photo Adso is wearing a light blue tie-dye shirt that David outgrew. Adso doesn’t own any socks, which is quite odd since David’s Uncle Jordi Cusso works at a sock factory and generously has provided the rest of us with the latest socks. David loaned Adso his slippers on this particular day, but Adso had trouble keeping the left one on his foot. The one on his right foot is orange and green and looks like a cat. The slipper that has fallen on the floor resembles a dog. As you can see, Adso is an important part of the family of my son.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Per a preparar la festa de Halloween, la Bonnie i en David van anar d’excursió a la ciutat d’Alachua (a uns 30 minuts de Gainesville), per veure un camp de carbasses. Però estava tancat i no ho van poder veure. Malgrat això s’ho van passar bé jugant amb en Max i la Rori a un supermercat on hi havia carbasses, un barret de bomber per en Max i un fantasma que sortia de dins d’una carbassa. Va ser molt divertit. Van dinar a Subway (un lloc on fan entrepans) i després van anar a la universitat per a treballar una mica. Al despatx de la mama hi havia moltes joguines divertides i en van portar algunes cap a casa. T’estimo ~ Papa
To get ready for Halloween, we took a road trip to the city of Alachua to see a pumpkin patch. Unfortunately it was closed. On the bright side we played with Max and Rori in a grocery store where there were pumpkins, a cool fireman hat for Max, and a scary ghost that kept rising out of a pumpkin. It was a lot of fun. We had lunch at Subway's and then headed to the office to do some work. There were many fun toys at mama's office and we even brought some home. Love ~ mama
Max saying hello to David, and Rori helping David see over his hat.
Spider Max
That's a huge pumpkin, mom!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006