El Nostre Nen

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Balla (buy-ya)

Dear son,

Tonight was not the first time I saw this, but tonight was the first time I realized that you consistently dance when you hear music. It could be the music from the new toy box from the Kricos family or simply someone singing a song that triggers your display of enthusiasm for music.

When you dance your body jogs up and down and your head moves in time to the beat of the song. If you are really into the music your legs and hands also join in.

You have been up with me since midnight doing email and such. You are starting to get a little sleepy now so we will go to bed. Our goodnight song will be a traditional Catalan song your father taught us.

En Jan Petit

En Jan petit quan balla, balla, balla, balla. (when little Jan dances, dances, dances, dances)
En Jan petit quan balla, balla amb el dit. (when little Jan dances, he dances with his finger)
Amb el dit, dit, dit, ara balla en Jan petit. (with his finger, finger, finger, now he's dancing with his finger)


Amb la ma (hand)
Amb el colze (elbow)
Amb el peu (foot)
Amb l'orella (ear)
Amb el nas (nose)
Amb el cul (butt)

Now, let's go sing, dance and then sleep my love,

your mom

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Finger Food - Where did that cracker go?

Dear Son,

Friday, August 4th you had your first finger food. I coudn't wait to give you some because you are often attempting to pick up the pictures on the story books we read you. You are more successful with the popup books and the books with flaps that actually can be lifted. I was just so sure you would enjoy the process of having little things to pick up and put in your mouth. Your dad and I sat with you on the couch and I held out a Gerber Star sweet potato flavored crisp for you - a real couch potatoe experience.

Well, the first time with anything can be a challenge. You did a great pincer grasp with your index finger and thumb, brought the rice cracker up to your mouth, put it in and then started gagging. Apparently, learning how to swallow solid food is hard. It finally melted and you swallowed it with eyes that were watering. As soon as it went down though, you immediately were smiling again and clapping your hands. You are such a contended guy with quick recovery skills.

Next we tried you out in the booster seat. You held the crackers in your fingers so long they started to melt, which made them easier to digest but harder to get in to your mouth. If you look really closely you can see a cracker stuck to your pinkie finger.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

What? A blog?

Dear son,

Yep, this blog is for you. I love this picture of you because it shows how amazed and excited you get about new things. In the background of the photo is your friend Olympia. Olympia and her mom Pat brought over some gifts for you two nights ago (Tuesday, August 1st). They brought you your first three ring stackable toy and your first music box. In this picture you are hearing the box play music for the first time.

You had a great time with Olympia and Pat. You gave them a tour of our new home by crawling from room to room. You just started crawling a few weeks ago and you can go so fast when you are excited to go see something.

You are on my lap right now as I am typing the first post in your blog. You are trying to help me type. You are putting out the index finger of your right hand and then your left hand, but you can't get a word in edgewise. Another thing you do when you experience something new is get really quiet while you study it; however, when you have got a handle on it you then let out a joyful squeal. I think you are getting tired now so we'll go read a few books to help you wind down for sleep.


your mom